Fully Double-Glazed Frontage
Cosy Saloon
Well Planned
Air Conditioning
Tiles Flooring
Attractive Ambience and Entrance
Property Description:
Property Hub pleased to offer a busy saloon located at a prime position and surrounded by large residential flats and parade of shops. This property consists of a Double glazed frontage, Waiting Sofa, 2 seating’s, Reception desk, W/C’s and a Spa Room with tile effect flooring and plenty of light offered by floor to ceiling.
The property has been finished to a good standard reflecting the modern style of the surrounding development.
Address: 100B Hirst Crescent, East Lane, North Wembley, HA9 7HH
Rent: £900 PCM Inc Water Bills
Advance Rent: 3 Months
Deposit: 3 Months
Rent Commencement date: ASAP (5/10 Years Contract)
Rent Review: Coming Up
Premium: £30,000
Lease Left: Fresh License
Insurance: £400 (PA)
Legal Costs: Both Sides
EPC Rating: ‘TBC’
HA9 7HH is a mixed residential and non-residential postcode in Brent. It was first introduced in April 2009. Residential buildings are primarily terraced (including end-terrace). Domestic properties are primarily flats and houses in opposite side.
Commercial rateable values range from £5,900 to £27,750 with an average of £18,788. The most common recorded business types are Shop and Site of ATM.
HA9 7HH is in the London travel to work area. NHS services are provided by the Brent Teaching Primary Care Trust. The area is composed of 66.67% residential properties, 33.33% commercial properties.
Viewings: Viewings strictly via appointed agent (Property Hub Limited).
Tenant(s) Fees:
While renting a commercial property in England & Wales, via an estate agency you may be liable to pay the administration and agency fees, for more details and the level of fees payable as tenant(s) please ask our agency/negotiator.
The information displayed about this property comprises a property advertisement. Property Hub, Wembley aims to give as accurate as possible information, however, if you come to know or are aware of any information which is inaccurate, please inform our office and we will make sure it gets corrected without any delay. Property Hub has no control over the content as some of the figures and numbers are provided by the landlord, however, we advise you to check the lease thoroughly prior to signing the lease or any legal documents. This property advertisement does not constitute property particulars, the property may offer tenants the same condition as they have seen at the time of viewing. The information is provided and maintained by Property Hub, Wembley. * While renting a commercial property through the agency you may be liable to pay agency fees.